


来自: 过气女郎(执迷不悟,痴人丧德)
2014-11-16 10:06:16

  • 二一三

    二一三 (往事不可追,前路犹可待。) 2014-11-16 10:10:41


  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 10:17:39

    GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Find something exciting to do that will blow away any cobwebs and make you feel more alive. Mid week a feeling of insecurity will take you by surprise, but look around you and you’ll see that things are actually running smoothly. Don’t waste your time trying to please others. 双子 找些兴奋的事做做拂走尘埃,让你感觉更有活力。周中出其不意地给你一种安全感,但是看看你周围,你将看到事情实际上运转顺利。别浪费时间去取悦别人。

  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 10:27:05

    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) The lunar low does nothing for your energy levels this week, so slowing down the action is the order of the day. Personal success at home is not well marked, but if you’re patient and think before you speak, you’ll minimise any damage you could cause by thoughtlessness. 白羊 月亮低潮对你的能量水平什么都做不了,所以放慢行动速度是生活指示。个人成功在家不会那么亮眼,倒是你耐心些,说话前先想想,你将最小化任何由于欠考虑可能造成的伤害。

  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 10:36:00

    CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) It’s a testing time for professional and personal relationships. You feel you achieve more as a solo unit but others don’t, and that’s where the problems may lie. Appease emotional partners or family members by telling them you’ll always be there for them. You will. 摩羯 这是个考验专业和个人关系的时期。你感觉作为单个的个体你成就更多,但是别人不这么认为,有问题潜伏着。告诉伴侣或者家人你总是在那儿愿意随时提供帮助,平息他们。你会的。

  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 10:42:40

    CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Being a team player will certainly work well for you this week. It’s not always easy for you to work closely with others as you’re a natural loner according to your astrological make up, but when you make the effort, it opens up a whole new world to you. Enjoy. 巨蟹 作为一个团队成员肯定工作顺利。按照你的星座构成,对你来说要跟别人亲密合作不总是轻松,因为你天生孤独,但是当你做出努力,这会为你开启一个全新的世界。享受吧。

  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 10:48:16

    SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) You’re now in the enviable position of being able to call the shots over future plans or career changes, so focus more on the practical than the emotional. You have the scope to make this a really fulfilling period so expect to be busy every day this week. 射手 你在一个值得羡慕的位置能操纵未来计划或者事业改变,所以比起感情更多关注实际。你有余地去让这成为一个结出果实的阶段,所以预料本周你每天都会很忙。

  • 深海精灵

    深海精灵 2014-11-16 10:51:26

    CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Being a team player will certainly work well for you this w CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Being a team player will certainly work well for you this week. It’s not always easy for you to work closely with others as you’re a natural loner according to your astrological make up, but when you make the effort, it opens up a whole new world to you. Enjoy. 巨蟹 作为一个团队成员肯定工作顺利。按照你的星座构成,对你来说要跟别人亲密合作不总是轻松,因为你天生孤独,但是当你做出努力,这会为你开启一个全新的世界。享受吧。 ... 过气女郎

    谢女郎大清早就来翻蟹.......... 赞个......

  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 10:52:19

    PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) If setbacks arise this week, your best plan of action is to go with the flow and trust that fate will lead you in the right direction. Focus on what you can achieve and don’t take silly chances with things in uncharted territory. You’re coming into an expensive season so watch your money. 双鱼 如果挫折出现,你的最佳行动计划是顺其自然,相信命运将带你进入正确方向。关注你能实现什么,不要对未知领域的问题冒愚蠢的风险。你将进入一个消费季,所以注意你的钱。

  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 10:52:33

    谢女郎大清早就来翻蟹.......... 赞个...... 谢女郎大清早就来翻蟹.......... 赞个...... 深海精灵


  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 10:56:27

    SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You’ll make the most progress via work and efficiency. Its not so much what you do that matters, but the attitude you take towards it. No one can deny that your original practical skills are innovative, but remember to inject some of your personality into the equation too. 天蝎 你将经由努力和效率取得最大进展。你做了多少没关系,重要的是你的态度。没人能否认你的独创务实的技术,但是记住也注入一些你的个性。

  • 新开始

    新开始 2014-11-16 11:13:33

    CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) It’s a testing time for professional and persona CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) It’s a testing time for professional and personal relationships. You feel you achieve more as a solo unit but others don’t, and that’s where the problems may lie. Appease emotional partners or family members by telling them you’ll always be there for them. You will. 摩羯 这是个考验专业和个人关系的时期。你感觉作为单个的个体你成就更多,但是别人不这么认为,有问题潜伏着。告诉伴侣或者家人你总是在那儿愿意随时提供帮助,平息他们。你会的。 ... 过气女郎


  • 新开始

    新开始 2014-11-16 11:16:22

    SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You’ll make the most progress via work and efficie SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You’ll make the most progress via work and efficiency. Its not so much what you do that matters, but the attitude you take towards it. No one can deny that your original practical skills are innovative, but remember to inject some of your personality into the equation too. 天蝎 你将经由努力和效率取得最大进展。你做了多少没关系,重要的是你的态度。没人能否认你的独创务实的技术,但是记住也注入一些你的个性。 ... 过气女郎


  • 阿七

    阿七 2014-11-16 14:45:15

    水瓶座 这是伟大的一周,你扩大社交圈,在商业中结交新朋友,所以不要害怕走出你的安乐窝。把精力投入到你想要给家做出的改变中,但是尽量在不重要的问题上作出妥协。

  • 阿七

    阿七 2014-11-16 14:48:12

    金牛座 业务和物质方面都是向上的移动转变,你很有可能因为暴露在聚光灯下而兴奋。打铁趁热,但要确保儿童和家庭成员在你对未来的计划之中。

  • 过气女郎

    过气女郎 (执迷不悟,痴人丧德) 楼主 2014-11-16 14:49:27


  • 西泽里

    西泽里 2014-11-16 16:45:07


  • 西泽里

    西泽里 2014-11-16 16:55:22

    我也感觉到了呢 更喜欢自己摆弄事情 跟群体融合的不是特别好 总喜欢自己宅着。真想象不出拥抱群体是什么赶脚~~~~~~~~

  • 米小米子

    米小米子 (梦里不知身是客一晌贪欢) 2014-11-18 09:53:41


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2014-11-18 14:05:51


  • 深海精灵

    深海精灵 2014-11-18 18:17:42

    我也感觉到了呢 更喜欢自己摆弄事情 跟群体融合的不是特别好 总喜欢自己宅着。真想象不出拥抱群 我也感觉到了呢 更喜欢自己摆弄事情 跟群体融合的不是特别好 总喜欢自己宅着。真想象不出拥抱群体是什么赶脚~~~~~~~~ ... 西泽里


  • 深海精灵

    深海精灵 2014-11-18 18:37:24

    我也感觉到了呢 更喜欢自己摆弄事情 跟群体融合的不是特别好 总喜欢自己宅着。真想象不出拥抱群 我也感觉到了呢 更喜欢自己摆弄事情 跟群体融合的不是特别好 总喜欢自己宅着。真想象不出拥抱群体是什么赶脚~~~~~~~~ ... 西泽里

    补充下.... 初出奇的恋家......... 回到家里......... 才充实..才放心...才自在..... 才有安全感......... 所以蟹蟹走到哪儿....... 都得带着/搬着那蟹壳....... 再重再苦再累也得搬着......... 好随时躲/钻进蟹壳.........


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