
2010 ★ 达克希纳★ 射手座 (谁来翻一下)


来自: 笑笑笑笑(若你喜欢怪人,其实我很美~)
2010-07-23 09:58:40

  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-23 11:50:35

    好长一篇啊。先马克和顶。回头再慢慢看。>< zZZZZZZ

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 11:52:28


  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-23 11:56:08

    ls的大妈您是救世主~O(∩_∩)O 撒花~ 交给您了~~小的去找周公喝茶了~❤~~~

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 12:14:05

    We should see a greater degree of spirituality and cultural appreciation in your home and domestic environment. With Mars retrograde in Leo, your ninth house of spiritual growth, overseas connections and cultural pursuits, you are likely to be inclined to take up some past discipline that you have allowed to fall into disuse. Get out those old books and get cracking on your yoga or meditation. Dust off that distant guru and put him back in the straps. Ha. 今年我们将会在你的家庭和周遭环境方面看见灵性和文化方面的显著进步。随着火星退行到狮子座,你的掌管灵性成长,海外联系和文化爱好的第九宫。你非常倾向于接受一些过去你嗤之以鼻的原则规矩。从那些旧的条条框框里跳出来吧,开始瑜伽或冥想吧!找回你位疏离的导师,把他拽回来吧。 Circumstances are likely to see you in a larger, even grander, residence, or perhaps building additions to your present home—to make it nicer, of course, and keep ahead of the Joneses. A greater interest in and knowledge of your family history will expand your activities and contacts with family members. You may find yourself involved in the sale of domestic furnishings, or real estate ventures, which may or may not include your own home. If you do need to sell your home under this influence, you are likely to do surprisingly well out of it. 在房地产,家庭装潢,居住条件等方面将会有重大的改善,使之更美好,并且领先于邻居。对家族历史饶有兴趣和加以了解的欲望将使你和家庭成员的联系更紧密,互动更多。你可能还会涉及室内装潢及房地产事宜,它们可能包括或不包括你自己的家。在此影响下,如果你需要出售自己的房子,那么你很可能获利颇丰。

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 12:15:36


  • 弗来虚

    弗来虚 (狮心占线) 2010-07-23 12:23:39

    星译社有两人翻译了一部份了啊 合作无间去吧。省得长篇负担谁都重。

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 12:47:45

    Jupiter powers forward at speed this year, bouncing into Aries on June 6th. This turns your attention to the joys of romance, the pleasures of the little ones and, most dear to your heart, the thrill of speculation. Excellent opportunities will present themselves during these heady weeks, even after Jupiter turns retrograde on July 23rd, returning to Pisces once more on September 9th. This is a good time for sorting out anything in the way of rules and regulations that has been blocking your progress, especially in the days around August 17th, when Jupiter opposes Saturn, a major celestial event. This happens just as tricky Mecury prepares to turn retro on the 20th in your mid-heaven, the house of career and public image. Make sure your cross your t's and dot your i's, as carelessness at work can create havoc. And remember, loose lips sink ships, as my grandfather used to say. This is a time when you are likely to seek, or be given, a public forum in which to express your ideas, or share your knowledge and skills. Keep careful notes. Government regulations may be a bugbear. It's important to understand that you will probably not be able to remove the forces that oppose you, which only leaves you the option of finding a constructive way to work around them, or with them. 木星继续大力前行,6月6日起跃入白羊座。这将使你的注意力转向浪漫欢愉,那些细微之处的喜悦,贴近心怀的亲密,猜心的悸动。在那些令人头晕目眩的几周内,特别棒的机会会自动现身。即使7月23号木星退行之后,于9月9号再次回到双鱼座,这个趋势还会继续。这是一个清理那些堵塞你进步阶梯的成规陋习的好时机。特别是8月17号,当木星行进到土星的对角的时候,这个是个重大的天象。这是因为诡诈的水星20日准备从你的中天退行,那是掌管你的职业和公共形象的宫位。 一定要咬紧牙关,睁大眼睛,因为工作中的疏忽会带来大破坏。记住,就像老人家爱说的,口风不紧船舰沉,你很可能会寻求或被要求在公共的论坛上发表自己的观点或者分享知识技能。 小心文案。官方规定可能会带来麻烦。你可能无法改变反对你的力量,理解这点很重要。你要么选择赞同它,要么找到建设性的方法在其中工作。

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 12:53:02


  • 雨天的尾巴

    雨天的尾巴 2010-07-23 12:54:56

    感谢 Asura跟lz

  • 鹅毛笔

    鹅毛笔 (法鲨是我亲老公) 2010-07-23 12:56:35


  • 如烟

    如烟 (何必太认真) 2010-07-23 14:07:38


  • 笑笑笑笑

    笑笑笑笑 (若你喜欢怪人,其实我很美~) 楼主 2010-07-23 14:47:20

    ASURA童鞋辛苦了 真是个好同志~

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 16:47:36

    Jupiter remains retro in Pisces until he turns direct again on November 18th. This could be a time when blocks that have been holding you back in your new direction begin to release, as family matters, real estate transactions and the like move forward. The week or so on either side of this date is ideal for making bold decisions regarding who you are and where you will be heading in the months ahead. Venus too turns direct on this date, so it's definitely the time to make decisions about relationships, especially if you have been enjoying a secret affair with a mysterious figure in the preceding weeks. 木星继续从双鱼座退行直到11月18日再次转向。这段时间那些一直以来阻碍的因素开始减弱了,比如家庭事务,房地产之类的,你开始向新方向前行。这周或者这天前后,用来作出你是谁,你要去哪里,下个月的方向这些勇敢的决定是很理想的。金星也在这一天转向,因此这绝对是时候做关于两性关系的决定,特别是如果过去几周你和一个神秘人物陷入秘密恋情中的话。 Relationships: the Journey to the Heart Your artistic and creative talents are also targets of this influence. You may trun to unorthodox or avant garde art, music, or design., but a lot of this is pretty much due to the influence of others and of forces beyond your conscious control. 关系:心灵之旅 你的艺术天赋和创造力也受此星象的影响。你可能会转向非传统的,先锋艺术,音乐,设计。但这大部分取决于他人的影响或者某些你无法控制的外力。 Mars prances through Libra between the end of July and September 14th while Venus is in Libra too, so you'll be reconsidering your role in life, insofar as it relates to others, among other things. You will be concerned with just what is, or is not, making you happy. You are stimulated during this phase to go after what you want, or get rid of what you don't want. A friend may desire to become closer. Mars and Venus are conjunct in Libra on August 20th, just as Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, your mid-heaven, the house of public image, reputation and career. This is a banner day, so if you are partying (it's a Friday) be ready for some fantasy-fulfilling action. Don't expect it to last, but it will be fun. 七月底火星昂然通过天秤座而9月14日金星也进入了天秤,所以你会重新考虑你在生活中的角色,在其他事物中与他人的关系,你会思考什么使你快乐,什么不是。你被激励着去追寻你想要的,或者除去你不想要的。一位朋友可能想和你更亲密些。8月20日和金星在天秤座遇合,而水星退行到处女座,你的中天,公众形象,荣誉和职业宫。这是个锦标日,所以如果你准备开派对,采取充满想象力的行动吧。不要指望它持久,但一定会有趣。 On September 8th, sexy Venus slips into Scorpio, your twelfth house of secrets, sorrows and subconscious motivations, just as mighty Jupiter moves back into Pisces in his retro phase. Mercury turns direct on the 12th, then Mars, the mighty Warrior, joins Venus in his night-throne, Scorpio, just as Pluto, the dark lord of transformation, turns direct after months of retro motion in Capricorn. A rare treat! Mars rejoices in Scorpio, where his best qualities are expressed, but with Venus slowing there in preparation for her rare retro phase, a secret romance, or at least a secret fantasy comes forward as you deal with attractions that you thought were long gone. Scorpio rules sexuality and in your chart governs secrets, sorrows, self-undoing and dealings with big institutions, such as hospitals, prisons, universities and government departments. So a secret affair with a tutor is in the air! 9月8日,性感女神金星滑入天蝎座,你的十二宫,掌管秘密,悲伤和潜意识动机,正如强大的木星在他的退行轨迹中回到了双鱼座。水星在12日转向,然后火星,这勇敢的武士,在他的夜之王座中和金星联合。天蝎,就像冥王普拉冬,这黑暗世界的主人,在退行数月后转向,进入摩羯座。一次珍稀的盛会!火星因天蝎座(的金星)而雀跃,在此他最好的品质得以释放,但此时金星开始缓慢的进入她少见的退行阶段的准备期。一段隐秘的罗曼史,或者至少是一段暗恋重新出现了,当你试图处理某些暧昧情愫的时候,虽然你曾经认为那已经结束很久了。天蝎座掌管着性事和秘密,悲伤,自我毁灭以及应对大事件,比如住院,牢狱,大学及政府部门等等。因此,和某位导师的秘密情事正在酝酿中。

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 16:49:59


  • 豆豆

    豆豆 (我们生来就是孤独) 2010-07-23 16:59:21

    M之 说得太准liao~~~~~

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 17:15:10


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 22:35:27


  • Amy_Pond

    Amy_Pond (all u need is me,bb cant u see) 2010-07-23 22:52:33


  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-23 23:08:48

    悄悄地问一句 asura 酱要不要我帮帮忙哦?❤~~~~

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-24 09:19:29

    2010-07-23 23:08:48 Browneyedshade 悄悄地问一句 asura 酱要不要我帮帮忙哦?❤~~~~ ============== 当然呀,本来就是公开资源嘛。我就是自己练手玩而已,所以想慢慢翻译完。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-24 10:00:00


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-24 10:30:04


  • 雨天的尾巴

    雨天的尾巴 2010-07-24 11:01:47


  • 羅可西亞。

    羅可西亞。 (Elephant Woman.) 2010-07-24 13:00:21


  • 胖达的妈妈

    胖达的妈妈 (曾用名:索米娅) 2010-07-24 13:14:11


  • 闪闪山

    闪闪山 (Better me.) 2010-07-24 13:36:05


  • 闪闪山

    闪闪山 (Better me.) 2010-07-24 13:36:20


  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-24 22:48:55


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-24 23:36:45


  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-25 00:06:27

    懂的~那您翻译到哪儿了? 要不我们一人一半吧,我没去星译社看。如果要分担的话,大吼一声吧!❤~~~

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-25 00:15:16


  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-25 01:17:59

    asura酱我们来分工合作吧,你继续翻爱情部分一直到homd and family吧?! 我从那里开始怎么样?之后翻到如果快歇菜了就传给你如何? 如果可以的话你说一声,然后我翻,等明儿你起来了你继续翻。❤~

  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-25 01:20:11

    还是asura酱去呼呼了,那我还是在你后面继续翻吧。❤~~~· ><

  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-25 04:00:11

    Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on October 8th, conjunct the jealous and dangerous fixed star Zuben Algenubi (the South Scale). Sexual exploits will therefore follow during the retrograde phase, which lasts until November 18, when both Venus and Jupiter both turn direct. Now that will be a lucky day! Remember, however, that the Venus shadow period lasts until December 21, the solstice. 金星在天蝎座开始从10月8日开始逆行,和危险的和嫉妒心极强的天蝎座固定氐宿增七星相合。由于这颗星主导的是性,犯罪,背叛和报复,所以性能量的发掘会在这段逆行时间爆发,会一直持续到11月18日当金星和木星都顺行为止。之后则会变得幸运起来。但是请记住,金星的阴影一直会持续到12月21.日,到第二次夏至结束。 Venus in Scorpio is highly-sexed and risk-prone, so with macho Mars there too, we can expect some serious sexual shenanigans. All of which will no doubt in your case be best kept well under wraps, at least until next year (2011), when Venus enters Sagittarius and Jupiter moves into fiery Aries. A jealous love nature, intense passionate emotions, and a love of sensation, luxury and pleasures will be the flavour of the month. If you get any infections, go straight to the clinic. This period will present a powerful mating phase, but those already mated may find trouble with supposedly secret romantic affairs coming out into the limelight, especially when Jupiter opposes Saturn on August 17-20 or thereabouts, so tread carefully. 金星在天蝎座是一个汇集了高度性能量和敢冒风险的位置,带着一定的火星的男子气概。我们可以期待一些非常严肃的性关系却存在一些未知风险的乐趣。这些都毫无疑问需要你把他们秘密地保留着,直到下年,2011年当金星进入射手座和木星回到火爆的白羊座。这种极具嫉妒心的爱情性质,带有强烈和热情的情绪,情欲中的各种享受和愉悦,会是这个月的主题。如果你身体上有任何感染和不适,请到诊所直接就医。这是一段适合充满情欲的阶段,尤其是在8月17-20日附近这段时间,木星冲土星成相,有伴者会有可能陷入一些秘密关系被揭露的问题,所以请采取小心的态度处理。 Mars is moving forward rapidly by the end of October 2010, entering Sagittarius on October 28, just as Venus is cuddling up to the Sun in Scorpio. This will greatly increase your energy and dynamism, making you more attractive to the opposite sex throughout November, especially once Venus and Jupiter turn direct on Nov. 18. On November 29, Mars squares Jupiter, so avoid undue risk-taking, especially with money and family situations. Do not take risks if you cannot afford to suffer the consequences of the potential loss. The point to remember (and possibly avoid while under this influence) is that your inherent tendency toward expansive gestures will be enhanced. If you are prudent you will overcome whatever physical obstacles block your path. Whether or not you succeed, at least you will not walk away empty-handed. 火星正在高速地往前移动,一直到2010年的10月,10月28日进入射手座,同时,金星进入太阳在天蝎座。这会给你带来无尽的能量和动力,在整个11月里让你变得对异性异常吸引,尤其是一旦进行和木星都在11月18日顺行的时候。在11月29日,火星和木星成刑相,请避免在金钱和家庭关系中采取过度冒险的行动。如果你不能承担一些过多的损失,请不要冒险。如果想要避免损失的发生,请你注意发挥好的天生的夸张语言或者手势。如果你足够谨慎,你会克服一些在你道理上有形的障碍。不管你能不能成功,你都不会空手而归。

  • IS形象大使

    IS形象大使 (且行且低调.....) 2010-07-25 04:03:31


  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-25 04:45:13

    Home and Family 家庭关系 ~❤~ Giant Jupiter, your life-ruler, will be in Pisces for most of the year—with a foray into fiery Aries, your fifth house of romance, children and speculation. Sagittarius is Jupiter's day-sign, and Pisces is his night-sign, being also traditionally ruled by Jupiter. Pisces on the cusp of your fourth house, the I.C., means that it also governs home, family, domestic conditions, real estate as well as beginnings and endings. 木星大人~~你的命宫掌管者在全年都会在双鱼座,并且正在向火爆的白羊座进军中,白羊座掌管着你的爱情生活,孩子们和投资买卖方面。射手是一个木星的日相系,双鱼则是他的夜相系,也是在传统意意义上属于被木星掌管的。双鱼在你第四宫的顶端,他会掌管你的家庭,家庭状况,房产,还有一切有关于开始和结束的事情。 This means that family and family ventures will be very much in the forefront for most of the year. As I mentioned early in the article, the cosmic pressure is on your home base, with a good likelihood of you moving house to a nicer pad, or renovating and upgrading your existing home. It may be that a new member of the household will appear. Marriage or a convenient arrangement is quite likely, especially when Jupiter ventures into Aries, between June 7th and September 9th. 这代表了你的家庭和家庭合作关系这方面,今年大多数情况会在非常好的前景。前面提到了,星相的压力正对着你的家庭方面,比如说你会很有可能搬到一个好的环境的家,或者装修你现在的家。还有可能在你家庭中出现一位新成员。婚姻或者订婚会非常可能的发生,尤其是在9月7日到9月9日期间,当木星冒险地挺进白羊座的时候。 Don't bet the farm when Jupiter spends more than some time in his three-month-long Aries venture. You are a natural risk-taker, but Jupiter in Aries expands your confidence and urges you to take greater risks than the facts might support. This will be more the case in June when Uranus enters Aries, but especially risky when restrictive Saturn opposes Uranus in late July and Jupiter in mid-August. 当木星在白羊座呆上3个多月的时间,请不要感到退缩当面对冒险,你是天生的冒险家,但是木星在白羊会增强你的自信并且激励你去冒比现实可预计到的更多的风险。当天王星进入白羊,以上的冒险心理会在6月份的时候发生。而大约在7月下旬和8月中旬,你会感觉到了冒险会被限制住,那是因为土星和天王星,木星相冲。 Saturn, the other Great Chronocrator, spends most of the year in Libra, your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. You will certainly reassess your role in the lives of others, and there may be an inclination to marry, or shack up with an older person, possibly already the proud possessor of a pre-existing tribe of their own. This is especially likely during August, when Mars and Venus are there too. Saturn's presence in your eleventh urges you to clear out the baggage from friendships and associations. You take a good look at what is making you happy, or not as the case may be. 土星,作为你的统治者,一年都会处于天枰座,在你的11宫,掌管着你的朋友,希望和愿望。你会经历一个重新评估你在别人生活中自己的角色,这也有可能对旧识的朋友展开一段婚姻关系的倾向,或者和年长的人同居的倾向,这会有可能是在和他们先祖留下来的房子里。这有可能会在8月中发生,因为那个时候火星和金星都同在。土星已经在你的11宫逗留并且命令你赶紧把你的朋友关系和任何伙伴关系的不良负担都去除。你会仔细地看看到底是什么让你过得开心还是不开心。 When Saturn retrogrades back into Virgo between the end of May and the middle of July, you'll be rescuing your career and public life from the depredations of those who may be less mature and experienced than you are. This of course has been the karmic makeup of the past two and a half years, while Saturn was making his way through Virgo last time around, between September 2007 and October 2009. Don't be tempted to blame others for failure or wrong actions in the past. You may find consolation in doing so, but others will not allow you to cast blame except on yourself. This is especially true if you have abused a position of trust or authority. Accepting the consequences of your own actions and taking charge of your own life, you achieve the responsibility and maturity that places you on a higher level, where true success and fulfilment are now possible to attain. 当土星在5月中旬到7月中逆行入处女座,你会在为你的事业做补救忙碌工作,或者是从一些遭遇苦难且没有你有成熟有经验的人中自我拯救。这也许是过去两年的因果报应,也就是从2007年9月到2009年10月中,当土星最后一次从处女座缓慢过境。请不要去责怪别人在过去的对错。你也许会找到一定的安慰如果这样做,但是别人不会让你这样责怪除非你能找着自己的毛病。如果你能看看自己对信任的角度和独裁的程度,你也许发现这是真的。接受你自己行为的结果并且重新主导你的生活,你会达到一个负责且成熟的新高度,这个时候才能获得真正的成功。 Children are likely to cost a lot this year, as the Moon's south node is trudging through Cancer, your eighth house of borrowings and partnership funds. Other people's children are also likely to take up your time, especially if you meet that older sugar daddy—or generous cougar. The movement of Uranus into your fifth house will exacerbate this unpredictability. Kids will seem much more of a handful in the Jupiter-in-Aries phase, but the solution is to take them (or send them!) on a long trip. Involve them in higher education and religious, spiritual or cultural excitements of one form or another. A little trip to India might set this train in motion, once Mars turns direct in March, for the auspicious Kumbha Mela festivities in Haridwar at the foot of the Himalayas. Early bird catches worm, and maybe meditative practices that will lead to epiphanies mid-year. Or maybe celebrations of the sainthood of Sister Mary MacKillop in Australia will do the trick. 今年孩子会让你花费很多,月亮的南交点正在沉重地经过巨蟹座,你的第8宫,代表着借款和合作基金关系的宫位。别人的孩子也许会占用你很多时间,尤其你遇到一个有钱却脾气很大的老爸~ 天王星会移向你的第5宫并且加剧这种意外性。孩子们看起来比想象中的难以驾驭,由于木星在白羊的阶段,但是解决方法是带他们出去(或者送他们去)一次长途旅行~ 让他们去经历高层次的教育和宗教的犀利,会有精神和文化的兴奋撞击。也许带他们去印度看看,一旦火星在3月顺行后,在喜马拉雅山下的赫尔德瓦尔,有喜庆的大壶节。早起的鸟儿有虫吃,也许,任何的冥想祷告都会在年中转化为现实。或许带他孩子们去澳洲参加庆祝修女玛基立的朝圣日也是洗涤心灵不错的方式。

  • Browneyedshade

    Browneyedshade (Ishiki Ikigai.) 2010-07-25 05:10:03


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-25 11:28:59

    Work and Health Venus rules your sixth house of work and health, and the goddess of love, pleasures and money begins the year in your house of personal finances, conjunct the Sun and square stern old Saturn in your house of career income. You are normally quite robust, especially if you keep up your sports and exercise patterns and this year is not that much different. If you do need treatment, it may be hard to find the necessary cash. 工作与健康 金星统治着你关于工作和健康的第六宫,这位掌管爱与欢愉及金钱的女神在今年主导你的个人财务,并且结合了太阳和土星的矩阵来统治你的职业收入。你通常会非常强壮,尤其是如果你保持运动锻炼,今年也没什么大的不同。如果你需要治疗,可能很难找到这笔(额外)的钱来支付。 Mars, which in medical Astrology rules acute conditions, starts the year retrograde in Leo and is likely to stimulate headaches, fevers, inflammation, or a flare-up of chronic illness, especially backache and heart issues. Avoid conflict and argument whist travelling, as violence and accidental injury, particularly burns and cuts, are bubbling beneath the surface. Stay out of litigation and don't upset the in-laws! The intense phase is between December 20, 2009 and March 10, 2010, though the shadow phase lasts until May 17. It would be a good idea to learn how to breathe properly and regulate the flow of thought, as the two are connected. Proper breathing practices can be found in the study of yoga, Tai Ch'i, Qigong, and the like. 火星,在医疗占星中象征着重大疾病,今年开始退行到狮子座,这将会引起头痛,发烧,炎症或慢性病的突发。特别是背脊和心脏。在旅行中要小心冲突争执,以及暴力或意外伤害,特别是烧伤或割伤,极有可能发生。避免发生诉讼并且不要打扰姻亲。比较紧张的阶段从09年12月20日到10年3月10日,但阴霾的日子要持续到5月17日。学习呼吸和冥想是个好主意,二者是相关的。你可以通过瑜伽,太极,气功之类的东西学习如何适当的呼吸。 When Venus and Mars are conjunct in Scorpio in early October, sexual infections, blood disorders and kidney problems may arise, aggravated by the Venus retrograde phase. There may be trouble at this time through jealousy, divorce and scandal. There is the possibility of sickness or confinement due to over-indulgence of the passions. 10月上旬,当金星和火星在天蝎座联合,性病感染,血液紊乱和肾脏问题会出现。金星的退行会使之恶化。可能会有妒忌,离婚和绯闻方面的麻烦。会因为放纵激情而导致疾病或者禁足。 Saturn rules chronic conditions and is better for you in Libra than in Virgo, as you must have noticed since the Lord of Sorrows moved into Libra at the end of October 2009. Still, when afflicted this placement can bring obstruction of circulation, poorly oxygenated blood, varicose veins, pains and cramps in the legs. The solution is to keep moving and not to get tied up in knots by those you dislike. Let them go. 土星掌管慢性疾病,你一定注意到,自从去年十月这位悲伤星君进入天秤,比起他在处女座的时候对你好一些。但这一位置变化仍然会给你带来阻碍,比如血液循环方面的问题,腿部的静脉曲张和肌肉痉挛。解决的方法是多多走动,不要待在你讨厌的人中。让他们离开你的生活。 Saturn turns retrograde on Jan 13, moving back into Virgo on April 8. This may restimulate chronic problems, especially those affecting pessimism, hypochondria, nervous disorders and obstructive conditions in the bowels. Blood afflictions and arthritic conditions, especially of the fingers, may re-emerge. Maintain a positive attitude and remember that Saturn's job is to point out obstructions and obstacles, so that we may become healed through overcoming them. Anxiety is fear of the future. Learn to trust the processes of life for your creations today become reality tomorrow. Saturn turns direct in Virgo on May 20, a good time to implement positive career plans and restructuring, returning to Libra on July 22. 土星一月13日起开始退行,四月8日回到处女座。这可能引起慢性疾病问题。尤其是那些抑郁,怀疑,神经紧张和内脏阻塞的疾病。血液和关节疾病,特别是手指的问题会重新出现。保持积极态度,记住土星的责任就是揭示障碍所在,使我们得以治愈克服它们。焦虑源自对未知的恐惧。要学会信任生命的过程,因为你今天所种之因,结出明日所得之果。5月20日土星转而进入处女座到7月22日回到天秤座,这期间是重新规划和执行积极的职业计划的好时机。 Career Matters 职业生涯 Mercury rules your career and public image, and is retrograde in your house of finances as the year kicks off. This suggests you will be hanging onto your money in the year to come. Your ambitions however, are stimulated, even though a lot of the benefit will be connected with past contacts and achievements. You may need to do some form of spying or espionage this year, as you need to rebuild your knowledge base. As the Lord of Fortune enters Pisces on January 18th, you stand to make money from real estate and family business. Venus in Earthy Capricorn as the year begins shows that benefit will come through making practical changes to your system of values—not that you have not been forced to do so by difficult circumstances in the past year. 水星掌管着你的职业生涯和公共形象。新年伊始,他在你的财帛宫退行,这意味着你今年要看紧钱袋子。虽然大部分的收益都来自过去的业绩和关系,你的野心仍然被激发了。你可能需要做某种形式的间谍工作,因为你需要重新建立你的知识储备。当这位幸运星君于1月18日进入双鱼座,你倾向于从房产或家族事务中赚钱。年初金星在土象的摩羯座说明收益将来自你的价值观变得更实际,但不会象去年你被迫如此行事的时候那么痛苦。 While Saturn revisits Virgo between April 8 and July 22, circumstances will generate either the need or desire to take a more responsible attitude toward what you believe your direction should be in the future. Though you can and should seek the wisdom and guidance of others, letting them make decisions for you is a mistake. if you have not established long-range goals or developed a perception of what your ultimate destiny should be, do it during the two weeks either side of the 30th of May. 当土星在4月8日到7月22日重访处女座,环境将使你以更负责任的态度把欲求朝着你的未来目标调整。尽管你可以向他人寻求智慧或指点,但让他们替你做决定是不可取的。如果你不能建立长期的目标,或无法认知自己的终极命运是什么,在5月30日前后的两周内好好考虑。 Your career will then benefit in particular during June and July, when Mars is in your mid-heaven and Jupiter is in Aries. You will be motivated to take important actions that affect your future, working hard to get attention from the public and those with power and influence. Although you may not necessarily desire to call attention to yourself, your efforts will gain public attention one way or another during this phase. Even if you have no access to a public forum, you may experience an increased urge to have others notice what you are doing. Your more or less public actions may be carried out on behalf of another person, or a cause in which you believe. Activities involving superiors or authority figures are stimulated. This means you may either do a lot of extra work with your boss, or for the government, or those with similar authority. Largely because of your efforts, a male relative or superior may receive recognition or enhanced status at this time. 你的职业生涯将于6,7两个月内特别有利,此时火星在你的中天,而木星在白羊座。你将采取影响你未来的重要行动,努力工作,让公众和那些有影响力的强人注意到你。尽管你本意并不想引起瞩目,但你的努力会以这样那样的方式引起公众的注意。即使你没有公开论坛的通路,但是你可能会碰到更多鼓励来吸引他人来注意你正在做的事情。你或多或少的公共行为可能来自于代表另外一个人,或你信仰的某个原则。包含了长辈或者权威的行动会得到鼓励,这意味着你或者要帮老板做很多额外工作,或者为了政府,或其他的权威。在此期间,很可能由于你的努力,一位男性亲戚或者主管会被赏识提升。 Venus enters your midheaven on July 10, bringing a personable charm to the proceedings. Put yourself in the public eye. The ensuing few weeks are ideal for promoting cordial relationships, and socializing with older family members, superiors and authority figures. Allies, spouses, or other partners may also receive recognition at this time. 金星在7月10日进入你的中天,会使你在会议中个人魅力大增。在公众面前表现自我吧。接下去几个星期非常适合建立友好关系,和年长的家庭成员,主管或者权威聚会结交。盟友,配偶或者其他合作者也可能因此获益。

  • Allure

    Allure (喵喵喵~) 2010-07-25 11:34:48


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-25 11:37:24


  • 豆豆

    豆豆 (我们生来就是孤独) 2010-07-26 10:05:05


  • 南无面

    南无面 (Sun Sea) 2010-07-26 16:05:58



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