Thinking Fast and Slow的笔记(68)

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  • 朱依帆

    2021-05-20 09:28:32   1人喜欢

  • hedgehog (靡不有初,鲜克有终)

    Richer and more realistic assumptions do not suffice to make a theory successful. Scientiests use theories as a bag of working tools, and they will not take on the burdern of a heavier bag unless the new tools are very useful.

    2013-10-29 15:06:45   1人喜欢

  • hedgehog (靡不有初,鲜克有终)

    In Science complexity is considered a cost, which must be justified by a sufficiently rich set of new and (preferably) interesting predictions of facts that the existing theory cannot explain

    2013-10-29 15:05:26   1人喜欢

  • 随便叫什么

    69% on kindle. This chapter concludes with a "cold-hand" experiment, in which most participants favored a 90-second pain over a 60-second pain. The two trials were identical in the first 60 seconds, but participants experienced a pleasurable moment in the last 30 seconds in the former one. The author attributed this (irrational) phenomenon to "duration-neglect" and "peak-end" rules. People make...

    2013-08-30 08:28:44   1人喜欢

  • 随便叫什么

    66% on kindle. Don't be fooled by the superficial facts of a problem statement. You may give different (sometimes even conflicting) answers if a problem is descibed in different ways. This is called the framing effect, which is resulted by a weak System 2.

    2013-08-28 07:42:37   1人喜欢

  • 随便叫什么

    61% on kindle. Think like a trader - apply broad framing (as opposed to narrow framing), stick to certain risk policies, and avoid risk aversion on short-term churns. An interesting example. Richard Thaler asked the supervisors of the 25 divisions of a large company to consider a risky option in which, with equal probabilities, they could lose a large amount of the capital they controlled or ea...

    2013-08-21 22:08:45   1人喜欢

  • wwang18

    “Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance.” Excerpt From Thinking, Fast and Slow Kahneman, Daniel

    2023-11-02 08:31:03

  • wwang18

    The most effortful forms of slow thinking are those that require you to think fast.

    2023-09-28 20:40:09

  • epic pork (喜欢就好开心就行)

    1. 应用这个原理,角度1,‘feel relieved of responsibility’,所以:求助时,不要向群体求助。 2. 应用这个原理,角度2,‘feel relieved of responsibility’,所以:布置工作时,把任务与一个人对接。 3. 出手帮助前,onlookers会考虑的角度: a. 这个事件本身的危险程度,比如,是否致命。例子:地铁上,是否真的需要一个可能错过了站点的乘客 b. 例子a里的乘客,距离我有多远? = 我是否是最可能成为“第一个”帮助者的...

    2021-10-18 21:11:47

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Thinking Fast and Slow

>Thinking Fast and Slow