Node.js in Action的笔记(8)

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  • 修缘

    Node的核心是一个强大的流式HTTP解析器,大概由1500行经过优化的C代码组成,是Node的作者Ryan Dahl写的。 这句话让我产生了疑问,Node的核心是http模块,那么说明所有其他的模块都是基于http模块来的么?想想就知道不可能。 好吧,找来原版,看看是怎么描述的: At the core of Node is a powerful streaming HTTP parser consisting of roughly 1,500 lines of optimized C,written by author of Node, Ryan Dahl. 关键是at th...

    2016-04-29 23:41:03

  • 龙三 (継続は力なり!)

    想起今天在群里关于node是个什么的讨论,把读过的摘下来: Node is a platform for JavaScript applications which is not to be confused with a framework. It is a common misconception to think of Node as "Rails" or "Django" for JavaScript when it is much lower level. Although if you are interested in frameworks for web applications, we will talk about a popular one for Node called Express later on in ...

    2014-07-23 22:55:52

  • 瓦尔登App (在造小木屋)

    看到讲解文件上传的部分,介绍了formidable模块的使用,其中这里介绍到关于它的一些特点 What makes formidable a great choice for handling file uploads is that it’s a streaming parser, meaning it can accept chunks of data as they arrive, parse them, and emit specific parts, such as the part headers and bodies previously mentioned. Not only is this approach fast, but the lack of buffering prevents me...   (1回应)

    2014-07-22 19:48:24

  • 瓦尔登App (在造小木屋)

    程序里有一段这样的代码,其中有一个回调函数callback,这个callback代码中并没有定义,自己也困惑,但后来看了一下nimble的源码,找到了问题所在 flow.parallel([ function (callback) { console.log('Downloading Node v0.4.6...'); downloadNodeVersion('0.4.6', '/tmp', callback); }, function (callback) { console.log('Downloading Node v0.4.7...'); downloadNodeVersion('0.4.7', '/tmp', callback); } ], callback);...

    2014-07-21 18:47:22

  • 龙三 (継続は力なり!)

    拼写错误之多令人咋舌,Manning 的校对干吗去了?! Request list of rooms available intermittantly

    2014-07-20 16:30:13

  • 龙三 (継続は力なり!)

    流化好屌: Node is also huge on streams and streaming. You can think of streams like arrays but instead of having data distributed over space, streams can be thought of as data distributed over time. By bringing data in chunk by chunk, the developer is given the ability to handle that data as it comes in instead of waiting for it all to arrive before acting. Here's how we would stream resource....

    2014-07-18 23:25:47

  • bran_zu

    ####node代码的重复利用 <代码开始 lang=" javascript"> //hello.js exports.hello = function(){ console.log("hello world"); } //使用 var hello = require("./hello"); hello.hello(); </代码结束> *exports会输出一个object,里面可以有String, Object, function* <代码开始 lang=" javascript"> //hello.js function hello(){ } = function(){ console.log("world"); } module.e...

    2014-07-01 17:01:17

  • 游真 (@undoZen)

    once a development need has been identified, the community generally self-organizes to take care of it.

    2011-12-16 21:51:50



Node.js in Action

>Node.js in Action