Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power的笔记(11)

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  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    There is an unfortunate tendency in Western educated circles to suppose that nationalism outside of Europe is axiomatically good, or at least "natural", and to【condemn Communism as evil, regardless of its popular bona fides. 】 To welcome a change or to regret it, because one set of rulers has gone and another has come, is something which we all do, for 【some rulers are more likely to look to...

    2017-09-17 03:46:09   1人喜欢

  • 倾竹

    前CIA工作者对于共产主义的分析还是不错的,居然没用偏向任何一方。用中国,和南斯拉夫的对比 体现出 共产主义只是一种意识形态,是人民运动的一个契机,最终也成为了“民族神话”. 而如作者所说 第二次世界大战是一缕春风。其实所谓的 nationalism,用两句老祖宗的话就概括了。 1. 明犯强汉者,虽远必诛 2 水能载舟,亦能覆舟(得民心者得天下) The fact that this “boiling point” took the form of a war between the Chi...

    2021-09-20 10:59:16

  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    The reason is that our strategy and tactics are based on a people’s war; no army opposed to the people can use our strategy and tactics….The truly significant element in both the resistance war and the civil war was the fact that the Chinese people were awakened and united behind the banner of Chinese Communism.

    2017-10-15 04:36:09

  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    A full evaluation of the significance of the resistance for the postwar political order cannot yet be made but it is not accidental that the leader of the Communist Party is also China’s first thinker on military affairs, that the present head of state served as the political commissar of the New Fourth Army, and that the present foreign minister was the victorious commander of Communist force...

    2017-10-15 04:30:23

  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    Given that the present Chinese and Yugoslav governments are the offspring of indigenous nationalism and that Communist ideology serves as the theoretical expression of these nationalisms, there remains the difficult problem of the extent to which Communist ideology prescribes policy for the Chinese and Yugoslav nations.

    2017-10-15 04:27:23

  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    Chinese and Yugoslav leaders also began to adapt the Communist ideological heritage to their own political environments; and as substantive differences between the three independent Communist states emerged, these differences began to be reflected in intrabloc ideological conflict. However, it can only be a matter of personal choice to determine which version of Communism, or which side of a gi...

    2017-10-15 04:16:15

  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    In more recent years, Chinese independence of the Soviet Union has been made fully manifest by open criticism of de-Stalinization, of Soviet policy toward the United States, of Soviet aid policy toward “bourgeois nationalist” leaders such as Nasser and Nehru, and of the Soviet attitude toward the developing revolution in former colonial territories. In turn, Chinese independence has provoked ...

    2017-10-04 12:17:36

  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    ...... the hypothesis of social mobilization via a guerrilla resistance movement may be extended to include such cases as Cuba, Malaya, Greece, and Algeria. However, this level of abstraction obscures certain common elements in the Chinese and Yugoslav experiences that were of great importance --for example, the foreign origin of the initial military dislocation and the process by which the non...

    2017-10-04 11:22:57

  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    Both Chiang and Mao were agreed that the middle period of the war with Japan was to be a war of attrition. They differed on how to carry out the war of attrition. From the KMT's point of view, Japan's only real weaknesses were her violations of internatoinal law and her infringements upon the interests of other powers (for example, the Panay Incident, and the blockade of the Tientsin concession...

    2017-09-27 12:54:43

  • Erzählerin (理想的生活都是拼出來的。)

    In whatever country it occurs, social mobilization brings with it an expansion of the politically relevant strata of the population. These politically relevant strata are a broader group than the elite: they include all those persons who must be taken into account in politics.

    2017-09-27 07:46:04

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Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power

>Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power