The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog的笔记(7)

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  • Lucia (Passionately Curious)

    I remember seeing in a book whose author was abused while young, yet still grew up to become a psychiatrist. When he was interviewing an inmate, one of his questions struck him: "We were both abused. How come I am behind bars and you’re not? What made us different?" Currently, there’s little we can do to change a child’s genes, temperament or brain processing speed, but we can make a differe...

    2016-04-29 03:06:49   1人喜欢

  • 肯德基叫你取餐

    Similarly,if a child is not exposed to language during his early life, he may never be able to speak or understand speech normally. If a child doesn't become fluent in a second language before puberty, he will almost always speak any new language he does learn with an accent. 语言发育是这么早的事情,所以现在的孩子学英语会带口音,且那么辛苦,是因为学的太晚了。

    2022-04-04 10:09:47

  • 肯德基叫你取餐

    Virginia had grown up at a time when it was common for the child welfare system to move infants and toddlers to a new foster home every six months,the rationale was that this way they wouldn'tbecome too attached to any particular caregiver 我一个门外汉都知道这是不对的。心理学真的这几年进步了好多呀。

    2022-04-04 10:00:24

  • 肯德基叫你取餐

    But throughout history,while somehumans have been our best friends andkept us safe,others have been our worstenemies.The major predators of humanbeings are other human beings. 人类最大的敌人是人类。

    2022-04-03 19:30:54

  • Lucia (Passionately Curious)

    Then I ended with, "Part of what we learned is that every day in school, Peter learns things from all of you. He watches how you do things, he learns from playing with each of you and he learns from just being your friend. So thank you for helping Peter. And thanks for letting me come and talk about the brain." It was a short and simple talk. I tried to take an unknown--Peter--and make him less...

    2016-04-29 05:31:01

  • Lucia (Passionately Curious)

    Traumatised children often display destructive behaviours, seeming to want to provoke harsh reactions: Because new situations are inherently stressful, and because youth who have been through trauma often come from homes in which chaos and unpredictability appear “normal” to them, they may respond with fear to what is actually a calm and safe situation. Attempting to take control of what they...

    2016-04-28 12:38:27

  • summer (永远逃离不了监狱和连环杀手了~)

    It's also true that disturbed children often have disturbed parents who may be the direct cause of the children's problems.

    2011-11-17 08:19:08



The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog

>The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog