Maybe You Should Talk to Someone的笔记(221)

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  • 日子旁见

    强烈引起共鸣超级真实的语句 - During my training, a supervisor once told me, "There's something likable in everyone," and to my great surprise, I found that she was right. It's impossible to get to know people deeply and not come to like them. - And visit they will, because everyone has demons - big, small, old, new, quiet, loud, whatever. These shared demons are testament to the fact that we ar...   (4回应)

    2020-07-19 03:53:13   47人喜欢

  • Jus (打过世间险恶,守住内心柔软。)

    “therapy is about understanding the self that you are. But part of getting to know yourself is to unknow yourself—to let go of the limiting stories you’ve told yourself about who you are so that you aren’t trapped by them, so you can live your life and not the story you’ve been telling yourself about your life.”

    2019-10-20 10:58:01   8人喜欢

  • 秋明 (Competition free)

    We learn how to accept feedback, tolerate discomfort, become aware of blind spots, and discover the impact of our histories and behaviours on ourselves and others. If silence can be heard, tonight’s silence sounds different. The only way out is through. Professionally friendly. A truce with themselves. You’re not choosing the pain, but you’re choosing that suffering. Your feelings don’t hav...

    2020-08-10 11:58:37   5人喜欢

  • 姜小白 (而高贵地忍受它却是一个幸运)

    “If the queen had balls, she'd be the king.” If you go through life picking and choosing, if you don't recognize that “perfect is the enemy of the good,” you may deprive yourself of joy.   (3回应)

    2019-12-26 09:42:57   5人喜欢

  • olive (如果看见地狱。我就不怕魔鬼。)

    Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.   (1回应)

    2019-09-15 21:45:03   4人喜欢

  • Paranoia。 (Love is but an illusion...)

    Wendell explains that my pain feels like it's in the present, but it's actually in both the past and the future. The rapists talk a lot about how the past informs the present-how our histories affect the ways we think, feel, and behave and how at some point in our lives, we have to let go of the fantasy of creating a better past. If we don't accept the notion that there's no redo, much as we tr...

    2024-01-10 19:19:00   1人喜欢

  • olive (如果看见地狱。我就不怕魔鬼。)

    “The only way out is through.” The only way to get to the other side of the tunnel is to go through it, not around it.

    2019-08-25 08:28:44   3人喜欢

  • Karen (I'm still here.)

    1. 当病人走进房间的时候,他们的问题往往比想象的要严重得多。他们可能会隐藏一个秘密很久,转移话题,因为他们那个时候并不能认识到自己真正的问题。 2. 他们往往会给自己的问题找一套理论,并且希望得到心理医生的支持。但是他们还是没有往更深层次去思考这件事情的本质。你可能认为你很了解自己的问题,但是你作为当事人是不了解的。 3. 病人往往会有很强的自我保护机制,这种机制会让他们滔滔不绝,并且有很多的负面情绪,...

    2020-05-16 11:52:29   1人喜欢

  • Paranoia。 (Love is but an illusion...)

    I'm ashamed to admit this, but at first I worried that I might secretly agree with Rita's grim perspective. Maybe she really was beyond help-or at least beyond the kind of help she wanted. A therapist is supposed to be a container for the hope that a depressed person can't yet hold, and I wasn't seeing much hope here. Typically I see possibility because the people who are depressed have somethi...

    2024-04-05 09:20:45

  • Max (虽不能至, 心向往之)

    Relationships in life don't really end, even if you never see the person again. Every person you've been close to lives on somewhere inside you. Your past lovers, your parents, your friends, people both alive and dead(symbolically or literally) - all of them evoke memories, conscious or not. Often they inform how you relate to yourself and others. Sometimes you have conversations with them in y...

    2022-11-30 20:23:37   1人喜欢

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Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

>Maybe You Should Talk to Someone