The Last Lecture的笔记(7)

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  • 玉儿

    when you are screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you.

    2013-11-13 07:01:50   1人喜欢

  • 日子旁见

    都是鸡汤,但是有差别吗?鸡汤很重要,因为总有没有听过的孩子,总有能帮助的时候,而且在不同情况下,鸡汤的作用也不一样。 最有名的一些话 After Shatner learned of my diagnosis, he sent me a photo of himself as Kirk. On it he wrote: “I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.” The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people. Brick w...

    2022-07-20 10:35:40

  • 黑铁皮 (carpe diem)

    Open to criticism; Brick walls give us a chance to show how badly we want something; live up to your dreams; live in the moment; manage time well; Luck is when preparation meets opportunity; Efficiency freak; no-whining; watch what they do, not what they say; experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted; Explain complex tasks in a simple way; work hard at marriage and your jo...

    2020-01-30 17:27:31

  • yoyo

    2019-09-09 13:16:18

  • 赛喜力 (你是这变迁时代中唯一的永恒)

    Somehow, with the passage of time, and the deadlines that life imposes, surrendering became the right thing to do.

    2018-03-10 02:38:51

  • 赛喜力 (你是这变迁时代中唯一的永恒)

    I also think my dad would be reminding me that kids— more than anything else—need to know their parents love them. Their parents don’t have to be alive for that to happen.

    2018-02-25 02:00:34

  • TTnabulation

    "This is my son. He's a doctor, but not the kind who helps people." Although my children will have a loving mother who i know will guide them through life brilliantly, they will not have their father. I've accepted that, but it dose hurt. I also think my dad would be reminding me that kids - more than anything else - need to know their parents love them. Their parents don't have to be alive for...

    2012-11-24 04:06:21



The Last Lecture

>The Last Lecture