The Customer of Tomorrow的笔记(5)

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  • eLaine

    Customers don’t buy products or services; they buy solutions.

    2017-09-29 00:05:16

  • eLaine

    How to make the buying process easy in every phase, from providing product information all the way to delivery

    2017-09-29 00:01:10

  • eLaine

    Pinpoint customer values, or figure out how to touch customers personally in what seems like an impersonal age

    2017-09-24 23:16:44

  • eLaine

    Would you rather make a dollar today, or would you hold out for two dollars tomorrow?

    2017-09-24 10:48:01

  • eLaine

    the ideal way to use data is not so much to decide for customers exactly what they will want based on their data profile, but to use data to personalize and curate a list of options

    2017-09-23 23:33:51



The Customer of Tomorrow

>The Customer of Tomorrow