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  • 小吴

    虽然幸福是以一股激流、一条地下潜流、一个旋涡或一个平静的湖泊的形式表现出来的,但 它们的源头如出一辙,都存在于我们的内心深处。 Though happiness appear in the form of a torrent, or a river that flows underground, of a whirlpool or tranquil lake, its source still is ever the same that lies deep down in our heart

    2018-06-27 17:13:10

  • 小吴

    对于每个人来说,除了自己独自一人的生活之外,什么又是实际的生活呢? What is actual life to each man but the life that he lives himself?

    2018-06-27 17:12:01

  • 小吴

    尽善尽美、不可移易的爱所带来的快乐是这个世界上最美好的东西,为了得到这种爱你付出了一切。 The joy of a perfect, abiding love is the greatest this world contains; and yet, if you find not this love, naught will be lost of all you have done to deserve it.

    2018-06-27 17:11:03

  • 小吴

    和命运的其他方面一样,在爱情中,幸运或不幸的机会都不可或缺 Fortunate and unfortunate hazards there must of necessity be in love as in all the rest of our destiny

    2018-06-27 17:07:50

  • 小吴

    最不能容忍他人邪恶的正是我们内心的邪恶 It is the evil that lies in ourselves that is ever least tolerant of the evil that dwells within others

    2018-06-27 17:06:57

  • 小吴

    每一次欺骗、每一份让人大失所望的爱情、每一个化为泡影的希望都自有一种力量。 Every deception and love disappointed, every hope that has crumbled to dust, is possessed of a strength of its own

    2018-06-27 17:06:07

  • 小吴

    倘若理想和内心奋发向上的精神并不一致,那么,现实也不过是一场谎言而已——一场徒劳 无益、阿谀奉承、微不足道的谎言。 Every ideal that conforms not with some strenuous inward, reality is nothing but falsehood--sterile and futile, obsequious falsehood

    2018-06-27 17:01:42

  • 小吴

    如果我们的思想精妙绝伦、质朴无华,超然独立于虚荣或本能的自私之外,那么,我们就对周围人所熟悉、赞美和羡慕的一切不那么在意。 If our thoughts soar aloft of themselves, in all simpleness, high above vanity or instinctive selfishness, then are we far less concerned than those who are near us should understand, should approve, or admire

    2018-06-27 16:56:52

  • 小吴

    如果一个人意识到自己的感情中缺乏慷慨激昂的热情,如果在内心深处依然希望获得更多的幸福、更多的美好、更多的正义,并小心翼翼地维护这种希望,那么,他就没有任何理由抱怨。 No cause for complaint has he who has learned that his feelings are lacking in generous ardor, or the other who nurses within him a hope for a little more happiness, a little more beauty, a little more justice

    2018-06-27 16:55:17

  • 小吴

    你生活在骄阳之下,在这个强盛的帝国里声名显赫,而我和他生活在黑暗中。但是,我比你更懂得幸福的含义,而你却永远都不知道 I have known more happiness with him in the darkness, than thou ever shalt know, in the full glare of the sunshine, or in all the splendor of thy mighty empire

    2018-06-27 16:53:54

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