Reminiscences of a Stock Operator的笔记(13)

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  • ukiyo (目标是读书多过豆瓣上的所有好友)

    少有的读了两遍的书 第一次读11年前刚开始做期权交易员,毕竟是交易员必读经典,基本当故事读完了,当时感想已经不太记得 第二次读是2年前转到现在的工作前老板布置的任务,读的时候书里大部分对人性的判断都很同意,唯独不解的是直觉上如果相信mean reversion的话我会buy on the way down,这样如果涨回去了可以take profit,跌了可以继续加仓拉低平均入场价,而书中却说要buy on the way up,当时不理解因为多少情绪上错过了...   (1回应)

    2022-04-13 15:19:39   1人喜欢

  • Heliodor

    People don't seem to grasp easily the fundamentals of stock trading. I have often said that to buy on a rising market is the most comfortable way of buying stocks. Now, the point is not so much to buy as cheap as possible or go short at top prices, but to buy or sell at the right time. When I am bearish and I sell a stock, each sale must be at a lower level than the previous sale. When I am buy...

    2023-06-22 12:58:38

  • 四喜

    2021-08-17 22:20:49

  • 四喜

    “He who sells what isn't his'n, must buy it back or go to prison” A classic little saying about short selling on Wall Street is: “He who sells what isn't his'n, must buy it back or go to prison.” The origin of the saying is unknown, but by 1898 it was attributed to financier Daniel Drew (1797-1879). An older English couplet (dating from the 1830s) and supposedly written by a 14-year-old cri...

    2021-08-15 12:18:40

  • 四喜

    2021-08-14 00:06:33

  • 四喜

    2021-08-13 23:53:42

  • 四喜

    ive never seen someone tell knowledge from experience in a smarter way.

    2021-08-11 22:41:56

  • 四喜

    how do you differentiate speculation from investment?

    2021-08-09 21:49:13

  • 四喜

    how strange human nature can intervene at life's crossings and critical moments, either in the stock market or in daily life.

    2021-08-08 23:12:38

  • nulki

    1.Study general conditions (capital etc. bear/bull) 2. Read charts/past, don’t argue with market 3. Start at the right time when convinced 4. Stay in your position if shear bull/bear long in bull short in bear price hike wont stop when passes 100/200/300 for first time, eg 340. but not in bear market 牛市做多 熊市做空 careful with long when market is weak 市场情况很重要 LINE OF LEAST RESISTANC...

    2021-05-16 23:42:54

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Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

>Reminiscences of a Stock Operator